Justin Nguyen

UpDiagram Features Update Q1,2 2022 - New released features in Q1,2 2022

This is a big release when UpDiagram has provided many key features to help users easier to manage their project effectively.
- Timetracking
- Closed tickets
- Import Excel
- Import from Jira

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Justin Nguyen
Hi Product Hunters, We’re really excited to be here and introduce our new features to connect and bring value to tech entrepreneurs, designers, and developers. As a result, we hope to change the way you manage your work and teams without regard for cost. Understanding the needs and feedback from our community, we have made some enhancements and released new features to bring value and convenience when using UpDiagam for management processes. This release includes: - Time tracking: This will help you guys manage and track the progress and performance of your team. - Closed ticket: quick filter to classify open tickets for you to easily focus on what to do next when status has been changed to "Done" - Import from Excel: This allows you to import your existing projects that are managed in Excel. - Import from Jira: migrate your projects in 3 minutes or less, saving you time and lowering variable costs. If your team is also enjoying our new features, join the conversation and let us know below which features you love and any others you would like to use. Justin