Welcome to episode #272. On the show: Amazon’s Treasure Truck hits the streets of Seattle; Gemalto launches LinqUs IoT platform; Lady Gaga teams with Intel for David Bowie tribute at the Grammy’s; KeyDuino means fist bumping your car to unlock it; MicroChippy and Bubbledogs create a pop-up Canine Cafe; Going Hongbao for Chinese New Year’s; ParkHub & Verifone parked a s**t ton of cars at SuperBowl 50; Verve launches self-serve location platform for SMBs; Tommy Hilfiger and GPS Radar get you into events on the Apple Watch; Sears/KMart join the 00’s and offer inventory scanning to their app. Our resource is from Euclid Analytics and EKN Research. Our special guest is Aubriana Lopez live from the Moxie Agency.