Art Ginzburg

2FA to Tray - The missing 2FA manager for macOS.

Like Google Authenticator, but for macOS, with all its subsequent charms:
HotKey, security, synchronization and native, lightweight, fast interface
For those who're unable to use one of the overpowered third-party password managers. Just a separate OTP app.

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Why is this better than using any modern password manager for otp?
Art Ginzburg
@999lrak 'cause this is the fastest and most convenient OTP manager for macOS. But I will be happy if you disagree and give me a couple of ideas for improving the product :)
@dafuqtor I think it's hard to compete here, since other password managers automatically copy the otp into the clipboard when I login into a site. 1Password, Enpass, Bitwarden ... they all offer this function.
Art Ginzburg
@999lrak none of them work with one of my favourite browsers, so I just use Apple's Keychain and 2FA to Tray for better login speed.
@dafuqtor All of them offer browser plugins and support autofill on iOS. There are even cli clients and web apps. I find it hard to believe that you are using a browser that support apple keychain but that's not supported by those products.
Art Ginzburg
@999lrak it doesn't support Keychain also... I have just tried these 3 password managers you mentioned and they also don't do what I need, so I stick back to 2FA to Tray
Matt Lippl
Interesting logo lol
Tyler Cosgrove
@dafuqtor one thing that's preventing me from pulling the trigger on this is that one can't see which service the OTP codes belong too. I currently have 17 OTP codes in google authenticator. Some of these are duplicate providers (ie 2 gmails but different accounts). How would you suggest going about remembering which is which?
Art Ginzburg
@vivalldi98 I'll reply you here when the naming option will be added
Art Ginzburg
@vivalldi98 done! Now you can set names for your OTP accounts in Preferences > "Change secret..." and choose whether you want to see them in menu by checking the "Show names" box in Preferences.
Brian Roach
Based on free alternatives I think $0.99 would be my price. Plus, you’d make a killing at $0.99. @artginzberg
Art Ginzburg
@itsbrex Sounds nice. I initially created this app because one of web apps that I use requires signing in with 2FA every time I need to login. And I need it about 5-15 times a day. I have tried some free alternatives. After a day (for each) of using them, I was completely disappointed with free macOS apps. They were so slow and annoying that there was no other choice but to make this app. Now 2FA tokens are right at my fingertips. No more distractions.
Justin Partain
Well, for one, 1Password has this built in. Two, most every password manager has this feature... I could see the benefits from the standpoint of trying to push people into using a proper password manager (which is the most secure way to handle passwords) or people who refuse to use one.
Art Ginzburg
@jpartain88 I would say that 1Password is a beautiful pass manager, but it doesn't work in one of my favourite browsers, so I only use Apple's Keychain and 2FA to Tray for better login speed.
Mark Jordan
I have to chime in as well, 1Password has this baked in, and is much better at it. I get that 1P doesn't work in your 'favourite browser', but it does support all major browsers so I just don't see a market for this app.
Art Ginzburg
Greetings to PH inhabitants. I'd like to have any feedback on the app. Well, it's already useful for me personally because it does what it should with convenience, and I don't need to care about losing my accounts in case of losing my phone.
Martin Posta
Hey man, thanks for the great effort! Just FYI I am getting a sys message “2FAtoTray.dmg” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software." So I am letting you know...
Art Ginzburg
@martin_posta1 try using "Download archive" button in the upper-right corner of the web page, please.
Dani Panus
Kickass idea, although I would only consider paying if I saw it in the official App Store. Can you get it there? :)
Art Ginzburg
@ad31mar not planning to do so. This week, at least :)
Earl Co
Doesn't this defeat the purpose of 2FA?
Art Ginzburg
@earlco well, you decide
Dave JoinUp
where to use ?