Tomislav Krnic

AirQuality & Weather Chat - Live Data and thematic Chat based on the nearest station.

Air Quality and Weather Chat (AQWC) is a Free iOS & Android App with more than 11K measuring stations. Live data cover all relevant air quality and weather informations. The chat rooms are public and connected to the nearest measuring station.

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Rashmi Gupta
looks very useful, how to check if my location is covered in the world stations?
Tomislav Krnic
@rashjbp Thank you. Basically, there is a two way (it the App). The best one is turn on your location. App will find the station closest to you. The other way is to search for your location. If your question relates to a webpage - in that case it's a good idea to make it :)
Tomislav Krnic
Hi Hunters 🙌 Here is my new app - AirQuality and Weather Chat. Clear, simple and useful App with lot of data about Air quality and weather (now and forecast). The App collects a few (I think the best on the market) APIs. The main feature is chat. It is based on a measuring station. This means that each measuring station has its own chat room. Next update will cover chat rooms for cities and countries. Try it. It's free. A month ago I introduced Undiet Tracker and announced a series of seven useful apps this year. I especially appreciate the people who help with their advice and become part of this process. ❤