Arjeta Culaj

When was the moment you realized you had to start your own business?


Starting your own business comes with many risks and many people are often too afraid to take this step because of the challenges they will face. However, at some point we do find the courage to take that step and get out of our comfort zone. At what point did you realize that you were ready for this step? What drove you to this point? Would love to read your experiences!

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Manuel Astudillo
I guess there were a lot of reasons but one I remember clearly was the drive to be my own boss and learn from my own mistakes. I had a good position but was frustrated with decisions made higher up. The only way to prove my ideas were correct without needing to lick some asses to get climb higher in the company's hierarchy was to start my own business. It was one of the best decisions in my life but for many other reasons that I learnt down the road :).
Albert Streit
I just wanted to be my own boss and fulfill something that I considered my vision.
Artem Smirnov
After reading "Rich Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki (please don't laugh) 15 years ago. Very convincing.
Artem Smirnov
@arjetaculaj Yes, and it's amazing how after all these years I can see all the little tricks he used in his book to convert us and still be grateful that he did it. It felt like just one small effort -- and I'm out of the rat race, forever. I'm so grateful that he wasn't saying "business is a tough thing, you have to work really hard", like those books that I read after his.
Antonio Sanchez
I have started two companies, both for different reasons. The first company I started,, I just wanted to be my own boss and have a team instead of working alone as a freelancer. The second company,, I just wanted to have a side project that, may be, will bring me some passive income.