Christopher Nguyen

When and why did you decide to become an entrepreneur?

Hey Makers, I've been wondering, what led you guys to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey? It's funny because, just a couple of years back, I wasn't into the whole business scene. My world revolved around UX design, and having the Head of Design role was like a dream come true for me! But you know how life throws curveballs at you? Well, a good friend of mine pulled me into a project of his, and that's when the business bug bit me. From that moment on, I couldn't get enough of the whole building and growing businesses thing. Now, if you took a look at my podcast playlist, you'd notice a pattern – they're all about business! It's crazy how my mindset did a total of 180 in just two years. I went from a dedicated UX designer to a full-on designpreneur! I'm super curious about your journey. So spill the beans and share your story with me! Let's inspire each other! 💡

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Katherine Collins
I embraced entrepreneurship the moment I realized I could turn my passion for innovative tech solutions into a thriving business, leveraging it to create a meaningful impact in people's lives while also maintaining the autonomy I craved in my career.
Christopher Nguyen
@kacollins_55 Love your mission! Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster, but the payoff is worth it! Keep pushing and never give up!✌️
That's a good question🙂 I have never thought about becoming an entrepreneur, to be honest. At some point, I found that I have a vision to share. So, I developed a platform, it caught the attention of my former colleagues, and they decided to help me turn my prototype into something bigger. Thus, we're running an open beta test in August. Who would think😄
Stephen Walker
I was drawn to the thrill of creating something new and solving problems. A bit like how Airbnb's Brian Chesky started with solving his own problem of making rent.
Christopher Nguyen
@stewalker007 Love it! What are you working on?
Samuel Ramirez
I decided to become an entrepreneur in my final year of college when I realized that there was an untapped market in sustainable fashion, and I felt driven by the idea of creating an impactful, positive change in the industry while also carving out a space for myself in the world of business!
Christopher Nguyen
@sammy_ra24 Awesome! Is it out yet? I can wait to see it