Tasha Konkina

What’s your take on Telegram?


Hey folks! 
Some friends of mine are launching a self-care wellness app built as a Telegram mini app. They're based in Eastern Europe, where Telegram is hugely popular and widely used for all sorts of things. They asked for my help in marketing it globally—but I'm hesitant. Living in the US, I mostly see Telegram associated with sketchy stuff: black market services, shady job offers, etc. It has a pretty bad rep here. So I'm wondering—
Is it just me? How is Telegram perceived in your country?
And if someone you trust recommended a really good app, would the fact that it's on Telegram be a dealbreaker for you? Would love to hear your thoughts before I commit to helping them. 🙏

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I use Telegram on a daily basis, too. All my friends, acquaintances and relatives do too. It successfully occupies a large part of social networks. I started the account a long time ago, several years ago. Just today I created a channel for neurophotoshoots. I've encountered scammers several times. But you can simply not respond and block them).

Elvira Valiullova

I use telegram daily and so does everyone I know. Now it is even more than a messenger for me, it replaces a social network, I use it both for personal communication and for solving work issues, and there are many useful and interesting communities there as well🙌🏻

Anton Volgin

In my opinion, here in Eastern Europe Telegram is standard de facto for professional communities, team chats (90+% of communications in my software development projects are based on telegram).


as app it's better than WhatsApp, i think

it have a pretty user friendly ui too

and i think it's good as discord, almost same vibe

but discord better for desktop users, telegram better for mobile users

but not much diffrence at the end


At first I treated TG with disdain, but gradually it almost replaced all news sites for me, because most of the news feeds stupidly moved there (at least the ones I read)

Except that I can't always watch videos there, I don't know if it's because of my internet or something else.

Otherwise it's a serious strong messenger for almost all occasions, in fact it almost buried another popular messenger in my country.))))
Well, there's a theory that TG is a very encrypted messenger, but I think that's a bit overrated, and shady dealings will go on everywhere and always, lol.

Irina A

@icudhara I support your opinion! I also agree with you about encryption, but I want to believe that it works as stated by TG

Igor Sviridov

Telegram is very widespread in here. Everyone is using it in many ways. It is mainly used for jobs, chatting with friends etc. The app is really comfortable and easy to use. Imo simplicity is where its charm comes from.

Alexander Timoschuk

Perfect for daily use, second to none, but the overall support in case of emergent need is really poor.

Someone hacked my account a year ago and no messages sent to the support via multiple channels (emails, socials, scam bot) were viewed or answered.... So even if you get premium account it doesn't bring any benefits by mean of security support at all.

So the only way to secure your account is to add cloud password, even though who knows if that's 100% guarantee of any potential scam...


Do not know but it links to many shady things, crypto scams, and even exploiting some groups. There were a few cases of harassment in our country. Personally, I have an account but haven't opened it for 2 years.


@busmark_w_nika be careful, they have account autodeletion setting and max value is 24 months, don't remember the default value. I.e. account will be deleted if you will not have any activity.


I didn't know about this, but probably will not regret it :D I mean – I do not use that platform and everything is okay :D

Andrey Ikryannikov

In Russia, this is one of the popular social networks for reading communities, news and communication.


Telegram is pretty popular in Indonesia, but it’s not as big as WhatsApp. Most people here still rely on WhatsApp for pretty much everything—family chats, friend groups, even business stuff. Scams on WhatsApp are super common, and yeah, Telegram isn’t exactly innocent either. I’ve got a Telegram account too, mostly for joining communities based on my interests, but I still get tons of scam messages there. It does kinda have this shady vibe even here.


I am in the US, use Telegram on a daily basis for work, and also kind of like a notes app. None of my friends use it. Sometimes I see someone in my contacts make an account for a specific purpose after which they never go online again.

Sam Achungi

Im using telegram for more than 7 years and I seriously say that this negative reputation is not true

I saw many services and businesses that have made great progress on the Telegram platform

In my opinion, these negative statements are mostly spread by Telegram's competitors as incorrect news

steve beyatte

Holy heck I had no idea Telegram had 1B monthly active users (source). I'm in the USA, too, and no one uses it in my circles (SF/Tech).

I wouldn't use Telegram for anything unless the use case was so good I couldn't avoid it.

Kate Ramakaieva

I'm from Ukraine, based in Poland. I use Telegram daily as a messenger, for work, news and for apps. If your strategy involves Telegram ads for gaining more users from others communities - I'm testing and it works well, especially in beauty (I'm testing for astrology, but TA is similar). So if you want to discuss- ping me on LinkedIn :)

Derrick Bradley

Canada uptick is very low.