I don't think so.
Cons of using No-Code as a developer.
1. You won't be able to scale apps build with No-code.
2. It limits you with what you can build. Development depends on what features the No-Code tool is providing.
3. No-Code does not provide you with the Source Code.
On the other hand in Pro-Code
1. You will be able to scale the app as per your need.
2. It doesn't limit you with the development.
3. You will have 100% ownership of the app code.
I don't think one will replace the other.
Pro-Code is the only way you will get a product customized 100% to your needs/goals/vision.
No-code limits you in many ways.
@iulian_pistol Pardon my ignorance but I'm just hearing about this term 'pro-code'. Is this a tool that accelerates development but still provides native code?
No-code tools are limited to what the developers enable, but is it really that hard to build out the options that the majority of users need?
I have a hard time envisioning anything that could not be added to the capabilities of a no-code app, but I'm curious if there are any specific things in mind you can think of that would be extremely difficult / unlikely with no-code vs pro-code?
Thanks for any input!
There is a future for no-code for sure, but it can't replace pro-code tools now . changes are always happening ,may be in the future it can change or not.
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