Reece Jones

What is a quote/phrase you hold onto?


Two of my favorites are: "Rome wasn't built in a day, but they laid bricks every hour." Had a launch day that didn't go as well as I'd hoped. But this quote has been bouncing around in my head, reminding me that constant and focused work will get me there. No matter how small. "Three foot world." The only things I can control are within the three feet in front of me, so that's all thats worth my time.

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Pablo Fatas
At SigmaOS we use the phrase “this too shall pass” :)
"Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian, wine and tarragon make it French, sour cream makes it Russian, lemon and cinnamon make it Greek, soy sauce makes it Chinese, garlic makes it good." – Alice May Brock.
Loved these ones! My favorites: "I fear not from one who have done 10,000 things, instead I fear from the one who has done one thing 10,000 times!" and "If I've given an hour to solve a problem, I'll spend 55 minutes to understand what question is wanted to ask me, 5 minutes are enough for the solution!"
Wiktoria Jaszcza
"Three foot world." Nice! I heard recently about doing something right away, even if you don't feel like it, because "future you will thank you".
Reece Jones
@w_j Huge! My dad also says something like "when you're telling your story to your kids, what would you want to say you did? do that."
Be clear, be bold, be patient. my quote. ^^
Nicole Ogloza
I have a few: "Plans are nothing, planning is everything" - By Ted Roosevelt " Be the person that you are missing from your life to others" - (not sure where I found this one) but basically says be a good person, since we are all good people waiting on other good people to help make life easier :D