Mayank Gupta

What inspired you to become what you are today?


For me, it was my elder brother. He was the only software dev I knew from childhood and I fancied what he wrote on his terminal and made things happen. Since then!

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Somnath Sandeep
@mayank_gupta11do you mean people, or philosophies?
Somnath Sandeep
@mayank_gupta11 hahaha that'd be an extremely long list. i'll just mention my mother here, for the broad and open minded person that she is. despite coming from a comparatively orthodox/conservative family, she reminds me that your mental, and spiritual freedom is a moment of realization away. it's right there!
Mayank Gupta
@somnathsandeep Well, I can relate with you at another level on this topic. My mom is exactly the same. She always gave me the freedom to experiment and learn new things.
Somnath Sandeep
@mayank_gupta11 love that! seeing behaviour like that during childhood really changes one's mindset. we learn a lot through mimicking, and observing behaviors of people around us during our childhood.
Raghav Goyal
Nothing to be honest. Just went with the flow looking for more exciting experiences.
Experiences in life and some people who gave me a lot of wisdom in my growing years, during my bachelors in a far away land from home in Jammu and Kashmir
Stuti Agarwal
Roald Dahl and Venky Vembu. The later is a dear friend, teacher and godfather who perhaps first saw the potential of being a writer in me.