Lisa Dziuba

šŸ¦What are your favorite makersā€™ & startupsā€™ accounts you are following on Twitter?

I love using Twitter as my newsfeed and best networking tool ever. I follow many cool makers and entrepreneurs. Whom do you follow?

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Lisa Dziuba
If you want to say hi šŸ‘‹ to me on Twitter: Just a few of my favorite entrepreneurs and makers to follow: Bri Kimmel @briannekimmel Justin Kan @justinkan Joel Gascoigne @joelgascoigne Ryan Hoover @rrhoover Arlan @ArlanWasHere Makes: @graeme_fulton Harsh Makadia @MakadiaHarsh Hiten Shah @hnshah Ramli John @RamliJohn
Lisa Dziuba
Obviously, there are much more :) As I mentioned, I use Twitter mostly for getting new information. So I prefer feeds with some insights
Alice Rodgers
@lisadziuba when I've first seen that article - I thought I am his fan now) lol, I wish once I'll have the same landing
Mike Mikina
I really like The Art of Product podcast. It's being run by Ben Orenstein (@r00k) and Derrick Reimer (@derrickreimer) šŸ˜Š