MaheshVarma Kanumuri

What are the things an Interviewer Should Look for in Job recruitment


An interview is an opportunity for a hiring manager to look for things in a candidate that may help them determine if the candidate is right for the job. During an interview, a hiring manager can get a better idea of a candidate by listening to their answers and observing how they handle themselves. Let me know what mandatory things you will choose in the below poll. Feel free to reply, if I missed any

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Satish Kumar Veluri
I think you have missed one very important option "All of the above" 😂
MaheshVarma Kanumuri
@satish_kumar_veluri Yes you are right. Great catch.
MaheshVarma Kanumuri
@satish_kumar_veluri If you have to pick only one in the above-mentioned. What is your choice?
Satish Kumar Veluri
@maheshvarma_kanumuri If I have to choose one, "can they work as part of a team" would be it.
MaheshVarma Kanumuri
@satish_kumar_veluri There are many jobs that require the ability to work as part of a team at least some of the time. On what basis you will say he/she is a team player?
Satish Kumar Veluri
@maheshvarma_kanumuri Asking relevant questions/scenarios. Mostly it's our intuition and experience which has to make the final judgement.
Harshavardhan Reddy
all the above
Durga Prasad Raju Nadimpalli
All of the above
Harshavardhan Reddy
@mahesh see every one need all the above please edit the options