1. Checking social media
2. Browsing the internet
3. Sending and receiving emails most of the time
4. Working on tasks that are not necessary or unrelated to work
5. Focusing on personal goals rather than working towards company goals
Getting overly worried about productivity hacks and time management. There's a time and place but I feel like it falls under the 'doing work that doesn't move the needle' umbrella sometimes.
Multitasking. You can only do one thing at a time. Our brains are not set up to work on 3, 4, 5 things at once. If you want to make the most of your time you should be time blocking your calendar and working on only one thing during that time block - whether it's 20 minutes to get through email, then 1 hour to focus on a certain project, 45 minutes to get through a workout without looking at your work phone/email, the list goes on. One thing at a time.
1. Meeting without agenda, clear feedback, and next steps. https://twitter.com/devyanigupta is solving this
2. Ticking things off a to-do list that don't really move the needle.
IMO, the most common ways people waste time. "They just keep looking for the best way you can do it." In a nutshell, Try it Before You Buy it. That way, you do not waste time.
NVSTly: Social Investing
AI Link Manager
Thisapp: Your Calendars Future.