Daniel Burns

website review!


Hey everyone,👋 Share your website URL down below for a review! You can also add things like how you would improve it or what trends you are noticing in the industry. I'm also looking to update our website and would love to hear your feedback. Our website is https://testifi.io/ and we are excited to hear your thoughts! :D

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Matt Harbord
Hey Daniel I took a look at the site - looks good - I think the main thing it would benefit from would be a copy editor to tighten up the wording. I had a go myself [your original content -> "my reworded attempt" in quotes] The world doesn't need another software testing tool. What it needs is a deeply integrated solution that extends your existing toolchain to make software delivery easier and accessible. "Not just another software testing tool. Testifi is deeply integrated within your stack, making testing easy and software delivery even easier." TESTIFI optimises and enables large scale software delivery through an integrated testing solution leveraging Jira to make software delivery easier and more accessible than ever before. "Testifi and Jira, the perfect team. We leverage Jira, seamlessly sliding into your stack, helping you deliver on time, and on budget." Deliver quality code faster by streamlining constant and automated feedback rendering unnecessary and time consuming communication loops and costly frictions in the process irrelevant. "Quality code, but faster. Testifi provides automated feedback, direct to where you need it - making testing a part of the process, not an aync afterthought." Make decisions and statements with certainty as TESTIFI allows full transparency and status visibility of all relevant development processes. Therefore, stay ahead of your system changes and make quality a competitive advantage – all by saving time and money! "Make decisions and statements with certainty. Testifi gives full transparency and status visibility of all relevant development processes. With Testify you make quality a competitive advantage - all while saving time and money." #### I was just trying to make it a bit punchier - some of those sentences took a while to parse! I'd appreciate any feedback on https://wxtxt.co/ Looking for: can you tell what it is? and what would you use it for if forced to? (I'm trying to work out if my proposition is getting through! Though any other feedback is very welcome!)
Daniel Burns
@matt_harbord Hi Matt! Thank you for your feedback, it is highly appreciated, and will definitely reflect on it with the team. And As for your website, I'm very much amazed by the overall design and especially enjoyed the theme-changing button on the toolbar! The product and the message are very clear but just a small suggestion, maybe it would be better if the pricing wasn't right in your eyes on the home page although I understand the cost is an advantage and attracts visitors ( Maybe it can be a separate button on the toolbar with a catchy CTA). Moreover, when I look at the header on the home page I feel like something is missing (maybe a design or animation close to what you have on the rest of the page). I love everything about the "Create Alert" page but I would love to see some interactive icons next to the sections I'm working with, for instance: There can be a little thermometer next to the "Hourly Temperature" item, and when the user lowers or changes the temperature, the thermometer changes with it. I'm definitely intrigued and would consider using it for my outdoor adventures. Also, one small suggestion - I would change the text in the footer, as you already have the pricing list very well defined on another page & relocate the CTA button below the text.
Khyati Rathod
Hello Daniel I just review your website, it's quite useful and and user friendly. I really appriciate if you give feedback on https://bit.ly/3luGzmn
Daniel Burns
@khyati_seo Thank you very much for your feedback! So, I reviewed also your site and I really like that you have different categories for different quotes! However, I would make the chatbot as well as your signature in the quotes a tad smaller in size, to make it less prominent. Also, it was very hard for me to locate the Log In button, so I would suggest to keep it in the toolbar as a prominent CTA button.