Jason Chen

Tips for increasing email response rate


Hi everyone, My name is Jason and I'm the co-founder of AirSnap (https://www.airsnap.io/). I've been cold-emailing people about our product and offering our service for free in exchange for feedback. The open rate is generally pretty good, but it's very difficult to get a response. What are some of the tips for increasing email response rate? Thanks!

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Might help if you post a sample of the emails you are sending here so we can check if you are making some fatal errors. A few general rules: Keep emails short, and make it easy as possible for the person to reply (yes, no, okay, I'm interested, etc). Make sure your leads are qualified. Are you emailing people that need your service? Do they know what benefits they will get from using your product? I checked your website and based on the copy I am not too sure how it works, what the USP is, and there is no support documentation. Your value proposition is probably not that good. Free is only valuable if it is something someone wants. You are asking someone to download and use your library and give you feedback. Because it is for mobile apps there is a huge amount of effort needed for someone to install it on their app and release it. Also if your SDK (assuming it's a SDK) crashes it will probably make their app crash too and mess up their business. If you are emailng big companies they are probably using these tools already and it will be a big ask to get them to switch: https://uxcam.com/ https://www.quantummetric.com/ https://embrace.io/product/sessi... Do you have anybody in your warm network with a small/med app you can ask for help? Another strategy is to target released apps that are in their beta stage and more willing to say yes (and probably need help debugging their beta apps) Lol super long message, hopefully, it's helpful. Good luck.
Jason Chen
@adeone Thank you so much for the feedback! I currently only email companies with a mobile app with the assumption that they will need a service like this. I think your advice in targeting apps in beta is a great idea since they'll be more interested in seeing how their customers use their product as well as for debugging purposes. On the other hand, I do try to get as many warm intros as I possibly can but there's only a small number of connections I have. At the end of the day, cold emailing is the only way to reach the masses. Below is a copy of the email I sent. Hi {{name}}, I came across your product {{productName}} on ProductHunt and wanted to reach out. My name is Jason and I'm the co-founder of AirSnap (https://www.airsnap.io). I believe our product can help your team save a significant amount of time on debugging and spend more time creating a world-class user experience. AirSnap makes debugging and visualizing user journeys super easy by offering a session replay solution for mobile apps where we combine automatic event capturing, client-side error capturing, and network logs along with video playback of the customer journey to nail down problems that cause user frustration. Check out our 1-minute product demo (https://www.loom.com/share/830e7...). We are currently in private beta, so the service is FREE in exchange for your feedback after trying it out to help us build a better product. Installing our SDK generally takes less than 10 minutes, please let me know if you're interested and I'd be happy to help you get started!
@panixjason Email looks good, here is a possible reframe you can try A/B test. Just edit the details that I got wrong (also edit the parts you feel dont make sense). Hi {{name}}, I came across your product {{productName}} on ProductHunt. My name is Jason and I'm the co-founder of AirSnap (https://www.airsnap.io). I believe our product can help your team save a significant amount of time and money so you can spend more time creating a world-class user experience. If you need any of the following for your app, I have an interesting opportunity for you: * Video playback of how your users are interacting with your app so you can improve their user experience * Video playback of what a user did before a crash occurred so you can easily reproduce and fix it * Detailed network and error logs to help you understand what is going on under the hood of your app. We are currently in private beta, so the service comes free with unlimited support in exchange for your feedback. Is this something you would be interested in talking about more? Thanks P.S Check out our 1-minute product demo (https://www.loom.com/share/830e7...).
Ayaz Qureshi
I'm not an email marketing expert but i checked your website and found out that i the product designer is one of your user base so, i can give my opinion as a user. Initially if a stranger comes into my email with a link to give feedback, i will not even bother to open the link. As a user i will only try the product from someone whom i personally know for sometime. So if you want to have a tester or feedback i'd suggest you to build connection either via LinkedIn or something similar and clearly state your problem and then finally you can ask for help as most of the people love to help. Hope it helps.
Jason Chen
@ayaz_qureshi1 Hi Ayaz, thank you for sharing your opinion. Building connections via LinkedIn is a great idea. One thing I struggle with is the ice breaker after adding someone on LinkedIn and how to form a natural relationship over time. Do you have any tips on maintaining a good online relationship? Thank you!