anthony drowow

Signs of a good speaker


Have you ever had your employees and partners fall asleep at general meetings? Or start an event with a full house, but after the first break, the ranks are noticeably smaller? Today it is not so easy to find a good speaker. Maybe someone can share professionals in different fields?

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For me personally, the criteria are simple - feedback. If it is a live performance, people come up after the lecture, thank you, ask questions, because it often happens that a person is a pro in his business, but can not tell about it and people begin to fall asleep from the unnecessary details. We recently organized a conference at work and invited Blaine Graboyes as a speaker, that's who it was interesting to listen. He has a great experience in his business, and besides can deliver information in an interesting way. Maybe you can use his contacts.
Alex Pavlyuk
A professional speaker is selective in what he says. He probably knows a lot, but he chooses from all the experience that 0.01% of the information that will be relevant to the audience of the event. This is very important, because simply retelling a book is not appropriate.