
No Dark Mode?

Am I missing something or PH website doesn't have dark mode? I've always visited this site during the daytime so never noticed. Just came to check whatsup in the new forums area, and the bright light woke up my 5-month-old baby. It's hard to use it like this, please ship the dark mode @mikekerzhner

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Business Marketing with Nika
TBH, I am okay with light mode :D but you can use some chrome extension when you are on the desktop. Like Darkreader.
@busmark_w_nika I have that, still a hack.
Alan Chan
@tavlean i believe they do have dark mode in the mobile app
@alanchristophx Yes they do, will stick to mobile for now.
Kay Kwak
Launching soon!
It would be nice if I could use dark mode on desktop as well
I am hoping PH website has dark mode too. Please not just in PH app.