Kate Kurshina

Multitasking - is it that good for the employee?


More and more often, when companies tell me - we value multitasking in an employee, it means that he or she will be given more work than is realistic to do during the workday. Therefore, this expression makes me wary. What do you think about it?

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At the beginning of my career, I thought that is normal and that is how successful people are operating daily. Nowadays, I do not see anything good in that structure. First of all - it's unhealthy for an employee. It is exploitation. Besides, it builds a very bad picture about a company and employer - making them misers and bad in organizations, tactics, and plans... Secondly, employers must realize that giving one certain task (or field) to an employee to operate brings a better focus and efficiency. Therefore - much more success (considering dedication and time invested). Also, it brings satisfaction to both sides, tightening their business connection... :) And of course, this everything implies good vibes, a better quality of a product or service, and - happy customers at the end. ^_^
@katerina_kurshina Exactly... It brings alienation and it cuts off the world, whereby every interaction just feels the crumps of business' overloads. Mind and body starts to suffer and business as well. But the thing is - when a boss realizes it - it is already too late - a person usually feels the consequences and already decide to leave.. :D
Sergio Zaciu
Multitasking is a skill nobody has that everyone still pretends exists xD The best example I saw this in was with college interns. Back when I'd intern in college, I used to wonder why my bosses only ever gave me one mundane assignment at a time instead of starting the day by giving me a list of to-dos. Turns out that when I assigned interns multiple tasks none of them got done, not because interns are incompetent, but because a younger first-time employee doesn't know where to start when multiple objectives are laid out on the table. Naturally, we get better at this with time, but we are never capable of truly doing multiple things at once.
Employees with multitasking abilities have better chances of survival than others even in the worst situations. They are the ones who do not have to depend on others for every small thing and believe in doing several tasks on their own. Such organizations do not suffer much even if individuals leave all of a sudden. MyHTSpace.com
Jesse Jensen
Hi @katerina_kurshina The answer is no (to your title question). Hope you like reading. Here are some sources: https://hbr.org/2010/12/you-cant... https://brainworldmagazine.com/t... It's all about attention. https://www.theatlantic.com/busi... https://www.scienceabc.com/human... Prove to them (the companies) the science, if they don't accept it then they are not worth working for. What type of companies are they?
Paul VanZandt
I always want to think that I'm able to multitask, but in reality, I don't think it's possible to give 100% to two things at once. I think multitasking is used as a term that just means "working hard", but it's synonymous with inefficiency in my mind.
Kazimieras Melaika
I think flexibility is always important and valued, and it can make employers choose you over the other person. But multitasking is very hard to manage because of the workload you get. Everyone should be careful with it not to burn out.