Besides checking my phone less often and going on walks, I'm also aiming to set a deadline for my PH launch. I've been working on my product RECRD for a long time now and I can't wait for everyone to experience it properly. Check out our upcoming product here if you'd like to support it: :)
@sven_radavics Fair enough Sven. Walking on stable grounds is important, so I understood your need to consolidate your habits. I'm trying to lose weight step by step.
Not a new habit, but improving the existing habit.
I'm increasing my running trainings volume from 3-4 times a week to everyday, but with lower intensity.
Finally got my hands on this online app "5 minute journal" by Alex and Mimi Ikonn whom I started to follow since 2012. I prefer to keep a real diary, but I believe that living in this hectic life you forget about it and being reminded to remember what things you are grateful - is a good way to stay positive and focused.
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LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
LeadDelta professional relationships CRM
LeadDelta professional relationships CRM