If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting their first startup, what would it be?

What advice would you offer to someone just stepping into the startup scene? Let's help them start on the right foot!

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Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
Don't forget to take time for you and your family ;) And don't forget to learn things :D
Fabian Maume
Don't try to go too big. It is good to start with a micro-tool to learn. Shipe the MVP fast and get market feedback.
@fabian_maume that's some great advice, I see a lot of founders myself trying to go too big in the beginning without having any market validation
Divine Rivers
Make sure your startup has real utility and solves a problem or pain point. That is a characteristic in ALL successful startups and will determine your potential of monetizing and reaching your TAM. Unless this is for shits and giggles, avoid passion projects that solve no problems unless of course you're passionate or just looking to learn 😃