
How to gain new followers everyday 📈 (In 3 easy steps)

Step 1: Create an educational reel eg. hacks/tips/tutorials related to your niche. Step 2: Add a strong hook. Instead of "hacks for ____." Make it more exciting. Example: "___ hacks no one tells you." Step 3: Add a call to action telling people to follow you and why they should follow you. "Follow @username for more ___ content." For example: "Follow @busmark_w_nika for more tips."

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Smart move!
Joan Mateo Duarte 🚀
Thanks for sharing!
Angeli Zhao
Really helpful, thanks for sharing!
Angeli Zhao
@busmark_w_nika Thank you! Tips like this keep me going, as I believe consticency, along with these tips, will eventually lead us to more followers.
How Can I Get More Reviews on Product Hunt Any Tips Nika?
Darwin Binesh
Thanks for these! Any suggestions for a newsletter?