Divya Rajendran

How often you read newsletters?

Most of us signup for newsletters, but how many of us frequently check the newsletters and be up to date? Hi Folks, It's a small survey, please comment on your experience and what distractions you face ( reading newsletters / couldn't read ) Thanks in advance😊

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Dimitris Karavias
Maybe one a day, usually Seth Godin's one cause it's short & insightful. I routinely unsubscribe from "aggregators" who just post a collection of articles.
Side Hustle Swipe
Not often, unless it's something I'm very very interested in. There's so much noise, it really needs to be vital.
Ruben Wolff
When I actively subscribe to a newsletter, I'm going to read it, or at least the parts I'm interested in. When I receive newsletter I didn't make much efforts to receive, I usually won't read it
Jenny Nicholson
i read them every day. but i also unsubscribe from ones i find myself not excited to open.
Divya Rajendran
@missjenny What you think your inbox pour with lost of emails while opening a mail for read newsletters? Have you used any software to seggregate newsletters?
Depends on the list/source.
Weiru (Launching Vizard now)💜
Depends on which newsletter hehe...for me it's "reading every piece" or "never". for those newsletters that I actually read - probably check their every published piece. But for those that I don't read, I almost never open them