Meghna Singh

How can I keep track of my employees remotely & what are the best tools for monitoring & tracking?


How do you know if your remote staff is actually working and not wasting time? Here are five tools for tracking employee productivity.

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Brenna Donoghue
The very idea of tracking employees makes me uncomfortable. I know the approach needs to varying depending on the company context, but I really believe that proper project management, frequent checking in, and checking in on deliverables will help people stay on track. How many hours or their approach to get there may be different, and that's okay. I worry that the moment you start monitoring employees work, it sends them a message that they aren't trusted and that it's more about hours/being busy than output.
Rich Watson
Even though controversial I completely understand it. You're paying someone to work, and if it's hourly you want to be able to know they are actually producing work for the hours they are being paid.
@richw your interviewing is flawed if you're hiring people you cannot trust. Also I'd steer away from expecting X hours of work and more towards X goals achieved.
Rich Watson
@smcn Interviews aren't the problem. Weeding out 90% of people through interviews helps, but people that make the cut get fired everyday for doing something dumb..
Tetiana Nikolaieva
@ meghna_singh1 Time tracking does not cause employee discomfort if the company presents and uses this tool for its intended purpose. A special program (for example, Yaware TimeTracker) captures everything employees do at the computer. And shows a graph of the productivity of each employee. But the developers advise using the time tracker as an assistant for the manager and employee. The manager will know for how long the employee needs to pay money if the payment is hourly. And the employee will know how much he works and what task took the most time. But when employees spend 10% of their working time unproductively, this is normal. I hope it helps you.
Nick Bess
Why do you need this? You know, if your employees find it out, it will ruin any good relationships and trust. Though if you have a really particular reason, you can try WebWatcher. This software allows monitoring of mobile phones and other devices. You can check the WebWatcher reviews here https://webwatcher.pissedconsume... if interested.
Denis Eremenko
Mayank Jain
We have been trying to improve things at our end rather than tracking employees. What that means is better planning and clear OKRs for every team member. With proper check-in cadence for those OKRs, we have seen employees have clarity, are motivated and we don't have to worry about tracking. Hope it helps :)
Dany Chepenko
Generally, tracking has some flavor of surveillance, and I'm unsure how it helps build trust in the remote environment. But I feel it can improve personal productivity for some folks. I use YouTrack by JetBrains and Clockify for myself, but as a leader of the remote team, we don't force tracking for employees and leave the stat sharing under their control.
Have a look at TMetric