Kacper Raubo

Getting from A to B should be easy, imperceptible even


Planes have made long distances insignificant. Cars have made the same with medium ones. Bikes have made moving short distances faster and more convenient. But after all, getting from A to B is still a challenge. In big cities it is quite easy, but in small cities and the suburbs it is different. People who do not own a car, have to, regardless of the weather, use a bicycle, which does not protect against atmospheric conditions or, despite the rush, they have to use public transport, which runs rarely, is late, and very often does not reach a destination directly. In my opinion, the problem is that between a four-wheeled and a two-wheeled vehicle, there is no any kind of such a private one, which would make getting from A to B convenient, weather-independent, safe and cheap.

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Kacper Raubo
@nijatullah_mansoor, I definitely share your optimism.
Kacper Raubo
@nijatullah_mansoor, hypothetically, how to organize such a traffic? And how to make it generally safe?
Andrew C.
its all about comfort Vs need... some how one has to find the perfect balance... i travel long distances in a car when it rains...but on a sunny day i choose my bike to save time and money... its a hard choice...but i think thats whats balance is all about. i hope i made sense... coz now im confused...lol
Planes have made long distances insignificant. Cars have made the same with medium ones. Bikes have made moving short distances faster and more convenient. But after all, getting from A to B is still a challenge. iMessage For PC