
Educate yourself: 8 YouTube channels that will teach you more skills than a 4-year degree

Make a list: πŸŽ“ 1. The School of Life The School of Life is a collection of psychologists, philosophers, and writers devoted to helping people lead more resilient lives. πŸŽ“ 2. CrashCourse Short and entertaining educational courses on a variety of subjects. πŸŽ“ 3. TED-ED Animated educational videos on a wide number of topics. πŸŽ“ 4. Talks at Google Talks at Google is a leader in the corporate interview series space, providing a platform for influential thinkers to tell us what drives them to shape the world. πŸŽ“ 5. Practical Engineering Learn about infrastructure and the human-made world around us. πŸŽ“ 6. freeCodeCamp Learn to code for free. Web development and programming tutorials. Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, and more. πŸŽ“ 7. Veritasium Videos about science, education, and other interesting topics. πŸŽ“ 8. James Jani Documentary-style videos on making money, and other various topics. Do you find my tips useful and valuable? Follow me for more content. See ya tomorrow!

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Ozan Yalçın
Thank you for sharing, I'm will definitely check them out :)
Aarav Pittman
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful resource.
Abdullah Chaudhry
Learning over YouTube has become more popular and fruitful now days. Thanks for sharing this.