Özgün Can Kaya

Can AI be integrated in football (or other sports) and how?

What do you think about referees today? Do you think they can manage the matches fairly? In my opinion, incredible referee mistakes are made in all matches that can change the fate of the entire season. Do you think we will see an AI-supported referee application in the future in order to make better decisions and eliminate emotion in refereeing? If your answer is yes, how can AI be integrated into football? Or can AI be integrated into any other sport in the world and how ? I am curious about your ideas.

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Jade Grimwood
This question got me thinking! As soccer mama of an 8yr old football obsessed boy - I must admit that thinking about an AI referee makes me nervous!😬 But AI can do more than just replace, right? It cna help us to better understand each other - and how we work together. Perhaps that might be the impact that AI could have on sports? Helping the teams achieve excellence by better collaborating on success?
Gillian Laging
Sports are fair game for AI. Puns aside, AI is already being used in sports, so absolutely.
Özgün Can Kaya
@gillian_laging Thank you for the answer first! It's really being used ? I didn't know and see any. Can you show me an example I'm really curious!
Gillian Laging
@ozguncankaya here’s one article, no doubt there are dozens more https://www.teamviewer.com/en-au...
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