Are there any Saas platforms here that use affiliate marketing? If so, which one and why?

If you've implemented a affiliate marketing program on your Saas I want to hear about it! The good, the bad, THE UGLY!

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Frank Sondors for me. Great team!
Anthony Coleman
ClickFunnels has an attractive affiliate program as it's popular among marketers for its ease in building effective sales funnels; hence, they get more referrals.
Watching this thread 🧵
Carlos Virreira
I used to work in a language tech company and we tried affiliate programs. They did not really work for us. What did work was working with 'platform affiliates' such as Appsumo. They basically took a commission from sales, and drove interest to our offer. That worked much better! For a furniture brand I was experimenting with, we tried an affiliate program (but this was for physical products). There we noticed a lot of 'first click' attribution foul plays so we stopped.
@carlos_virreira This is super helpful, I'll look into Appsumo for sure. I've been asked by a couple creators if I'm offering an affiliate program so I still may have a need/want there. I know platforms like Fivrr have a really good high-ticket affiliate/partner program and it's very popular.
Carlos Virreira
@privy_reviews Fiverr having high commissions. Now that makes a lot of sense! They are all over my timeline.
Joran Hofman
Hi Vanessa, see here some SaaS companies which have an affiliate program: Are you looking to earn money or setup a program? either way here some advice for both: Affiliates: - Find a program with recurring commissions - Find a program with good brand awareness - Find a company with higher ticket prices - Find a company who really figured out their conversion rates SaaS - Setup an attractive program but keep your LTV:CAC in mind - Set your program up in a way which allows you to grow outside your own network - Recruit potential (top) affiliates - You might need to pay something upfront to get bigger ones in - Don't allow affiliates to run ads on your brand name Hope this helps!