
Anyone need an invite to amie.so or cron.com?


happy to help anyone :)

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Tejas Rama
Yes please, one for Amie!
Jacek Pytlik
Hi, do you have any invitations left? If yes, then I would be grateful for one. 🙏
Krida Pandu Gunata
Ian, can you invite me on amie.so? i need that
@pandugunata no, sorry, don't have any left. if you're looking for a good calendar, checkout vimcal or cron, for a todolist check out todoist and sunsama
Andrew Glenn
Hi Ian, I'm interested in amie.so as well. Very nice looking platform.
@asglenn hey, didn’t see this! Sorry for the late response. I personally ran out of invites but someone on https://discord.gg/EBjR92wThD might be able to invite you
I would love to have a cron invite
@ismailytics sorry for the late response, I’m on Linux but I know someone on https://discord.gg/EBjR92wThD that can help
Martin Majercin
Hey mate, still have 1 amie.so invite to share? 😊 thx a lot
@martin_majercin hey, I personally ran out of invites but someone on https://discord.gg/EBjR92wThD might be able to invite you
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
amie please!!
Jochen Gererstorfer
I would love to get an Amie invite, please.
Pankti Parmar
I want it pls I'm a student and in a waiting list for so long ... pls give me...
Kellsey Yova
I've been dying for an invite to Amie.so! I've joined the waitlist 3 times...
Vittorio Scelzo
Do you still have cron.com invitations?
Himanshu Lodaya
Yes, Please. looking for amie.so
Edwin Laagland
Yes that would be wonderful... Looking to supercharge my productivity Preferably amie... but also considering cron as Im a notion user as well
Marvin Messenzehl
Don't know if this is still active, but I would love to get one!
Morgan Sutherland
Yes, please
Seckin Uysal
I do - amie please.