Was looking for any suggestions to Spotify playlists or Youtube channels that you guys listen to while working/coding/etc to stay focused or keep your momentum going.
I hate working in a vacuum.
This is a Spotify playlist I'm listening to right now called "Yakuza Vibes Lofi". It's oriental, got a beat to it, and gets me in that jam.
@masim_beast@rockyperezz I mean the Witcher 3 has aazing music but makes me wanna play the game sooooo hahaha idk how that could be helpful but then again, to each their own!
Genuinely, I've found that the lofi girl YT channel scratches my brain so so well. I am WAY more productive with it on, and I've been that way ever since school -- would sneak earphones into my ears when I needed to sit a test or an exam cause otherwise I just couldn't concentrate.
I swap the channel for Halloween lofi girl when it's spooky season and sometimes I experiment with other lofi playlists but a lot of them have a relaxing effect on me so I've stopped doing that :D
One time it was a Sam Smith live and I ended up dancing a lot and staring at them and their dancers for like my whole break -- so not doing that anymore :D Sam Smith deserves ALL of my attention ahahaha
Someone started playing Christmas music in the office the other day! *YouTube surprisingly the office was quiet and productive whereas I was humming along hahaha
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Beep! - New Era for Collaboration⚡️
Beep! - New Era for Collaboration⚡️
Beep! - New Era for Collaboration⚡️
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