Jack Wright

Get an Honest Review for your Landing Page


Hey guys! I'm a product designer in NYC. Happy to review all landing pages with a fresh set of eyes, and give my honest feedback. (1) Post your link (2) Include limited to no details so I can review with fresh eyes

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Jack Wright
@periclis Hey Periklis, Thanks for sharing! ---------------------------------------------- USER SHOULD "GET IT" WITHIN 10 SECONDS ---------------------------------------------- I'm not 100% sure if I'm the target demo, but I have to say, going in cold, I was a bit confused. I think it's smart to have some kind of on-boarding, so the user understands the value of the product, but I didn't immediately "get it". There are really 2 core things that the user should take away immediately when they first land on your site: 1) What do you claim to do 2) How do you do it Consider Slacks landing page. Their opening line: "Slack brings the team together, wherever you are" This clearly explains their "what". Slack brings teams together. Now consider their secondary line: "With all of your communication and tools in one place, remote teams will stay productive no matter where you’re working from." This clearly explains their "how". Slack is a communication tool. ---------------- KEEP IT SIMPLE ---------------- If you look at most successful companies they lean into their 2-4 key value props, and just keep reiterating these things over and over. For instance, consider allbirds.com (the billion dollar shoe startup) Their key value props are: - The world’s most comfortable shoes - Made with sustainable, natural materials. If you look at every touch point of the company (site / social media / ads / packaging, etc), they emphasize / re-emphasize their key value props over and over. Really good brands make it clear what they are, how they do it, and why you should care. Right now, I'm not quiet getting why I should care if there's a moderator or not. --------------------------------- DEFINE YOUR WHY, HOW, WHAT --------------------------------- I just went through a process that was really helpful for me, and might help you as well. It's based on the Simon Sinek Ted talk, where he emphasizes the importance of not only what you do, and how you do it, but also why you do it. https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_... Here's what it looked like when I ran through this exercise for my company, Magic. Our "Why" - We want to help people become their best selves - We believe that good habits have the power to unlock your best self Our "How" - We curate the best industry content (guided meditations, workouts, recipes), to make it easy to learn and practice good habits - We package all of this content into a personalized morning routine app - The app is beautiful, intuitive, and easy to use Our "What" - We make a morning routine app called Magic. ---- Hopefully after reading this, you have a clear idea of not only what we do, but why we do it. The answer to your "how", will ultimately become your value props, and the key information you'll end up communicating to your customers. For instance, Magic's value props are: Primary - Make it easy to learn and practice good habits - Curate the best industry content (guided meditations, workouts, recipes) Secondary - Content is packaged into one app - Personalized for you - Beautiful, intuitive, and easy to use Just wanted to share since this provides a nice clear framework for telling your story. Happy to give additional thoughts if you make any updates. Hopefully this is at least somewhat helpful! Best, J
Periklis Prousaloglou
@jack_wright1 Hey Jack, Thank you so much for the time you spend to do this and the wonderful feedback you provide us I really appreciated. I think you were very clear and helpful, we will get hands on those suggestions. When we make an update I can send it to you to tell me what you think if you are of course available. Thank you again! Best, Periclis