Dave Ambrose

Unbound - Birchbox for adult fun


Unbound is a curated shopping experience for the best sex toys for women. You deserve pleasure, babe.

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Heyyy! I'm Sarah Jayne, one of the founders of Unbound. Our mission is to provide a friendly and approachable platform for product discovery in the erotic space while empowering our subscribers to be more informed and confident in their sexual pleasure. Would love to answer any questions you may have about Unbound or what to get your SO for Valentine's Day. ;) Editing to add a discount code for your Unbound pleasure: producthunt15. This code is good for 15% off your first Unbound Box.
This has been around for some time - http://www.luvmybox.com/home
@kamilszybalski Hey Kamil- there are a few similar companies in this space. We started in beta as a monthly box (similar to luvmybox) but moved to a quarterly delivery at a higher price point so we could include full size items instead of sample size.
@kamilszybalski Thank you very much!
Dave Ambrose
We've seen a flurry of products addressing the adult industry, i.e. @indemnitypop's Comingle (http://www.producthunt.com/posts...), but what about a subscription box of new items to test? Unbound is the first product I've seen in this space and it looks like they have customers already paying $65 per quarter for a delivery!
@indemnitypop @daveambrose Hi, Dave! Thank you so much for taking a look at Unbound. I am one of the founders. We love working in the adult space and feel it's a really natural fit for a subscription service.
Paul Clifton
@daveambrose @heysarahjayne This looks really cool! I'm starting to think about how to design a sample size adult product. Condoms, lube, massage oil, etc. are the obvious choices, but what are some of the more out of the ordinary things you've included? It's cool that you did a luxury box that included the Limon, but it would be a good challenge to design something that's a lot of fun, but small and inexpensive enough to go in a normal delivery.
@indemnitypop We like to add something to every box that fits our self titled "sexual lifestyle" category. Something like matches, a leather condom case (from a successful Kickstarter campaign), a small Unbound branded toy bag or a voucher for adult film director, Erika Lust's site. Extra items like this have been very well received by subscribers. They add context, value and a thoughtfulness to this space not often seen. (why send a candle and not provide a clever looking book of matches?) By operating at a $65 price point, we're able to include vibrators that go a bit beyond the under $20 bullet vibes . We put the Jimmyjane Hello Touch (retails for $65 and up) in our Modern Love box.
Ryan Hoover
There's a Birchbox for everything, it seems. 😄 @HeySarahJayne - I'm curious how you select the products and related to that, what type of audience are you targeting?
@rrhoover Hey Ryan, I seem to have put your reply in a new post below- great question. Thanks!
Great question, Ryan. We're a quarterly service and every box has a theme. The way we decide what goes into the box is similar to the process a fashion editor goes through when putting together a story for a fashion spread- what's new? What are people talking about? What are people curious about? We work with companies in this space very closely and choose products that are exciting, well designed and sex positive. We definitely steer towards including product that has safe materials, gorgeous packaging and extra bonus points if its from a female founded or small company. Our audience and focus is women as we feel they are fairly underserved in the adult space and whats out there already is poorly marketed to them. Our current subscribers ages range from 20-63 right now...