srinivasulu palle

uipatternhub — Create, Share & Learn ui patterns

A hangout for all designers to learn, experience, share or create design ui patterns.

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srinivasulu palle
Create, Share & Learn UI Pattern Hub is a platform for designers to showcase their patterns/component designs and also get to know the best practices shared by fellow designers. What is a UI Pattern? User Interface (UI) pattern is a component/element used to form a layout. A UI pattern can be referred to as a visual element that helps the user find/interact with the application’s content and complete a desired task. Why to use UI patterns? Our mental models are trained to remember, understand and form relationships. UI Patterns help user Seamlessly Interact, Understand Functionality and Perform Actions in an application. How UI patterns help? UI Patterns help create consistent and predictable interfaces UI Patterns are re-usable components which reduce cognitive load and improve the task completion rateInformation display patterns help users in filtering and processing relevant visual information (Examples of information display patterns include Lists, carousel, grid, and film stripe, etc)