Kiki Schirr

Twittume - Skills tracker using short notes and hashtags


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Kiki Schirr
Twittume might be the simplest app that I’ve ever hunted, but the core concept is solid. Imagine Twitter-like short entries categorized by date and hashtag—and then imagine the possibilities! If you’re tracking for an annual performance review, jot down your sales numbers and tag them #apr. If you’re in a squat challenge, tag your daily results #squats. If you’re keeping track of your child’s growth, tag #1month and your child’s name… There isn’t anything that you’d want to keep track of that couldn’t be addressed by this flexible app. Do your future-self a favor and check it out.
@kikischirr right now Twittume is meant for tracking professional skills. Because of it's free form nature, you could use it for the use cases you listed. Going forward Twittume will become a platform where a lot of direct hiring activities could be performed.
Thank you @KikiSchirr for hunting Twittume - No Fluff Just Stuff Skills tracker. Good Morning, I am Sridhar Kondoji, delighted to share Twittume to a larger ProductHunt community. It’s a project I’ve been working on in my spare time since the end of 2015 and I’m extremely passionate about it. Twittume is an all new way to track your skills, accomplishments, and accolades using short notes and hashtags (similar to tweets, but not related to twitter.) as they happen. Why Twittume? When the time comes in your career to update your resume, if you’re like me, you struggle to come up with all the accomplishments you’ve made over years of hard work. I haven't found a better skills and, accomplishments tracker, and nobody constantly updates their resume – it only gets updated when it’s time to look for a new job. Through Twittume, I am trying to make it easy to keep track of skills and accomplishments in real-time using one application. What is on the Roadmap? The skills section of your CV/Resume and LinkedIn Profile is a long boring list, all lumped together with no context and likely missing some important accomplishments you forgot to update. It doesn't tell you if it is a skill you are actively using now or used 10 years ago. It doesn't tell a potential employer, how you have used that skill/tool or your level of expertise. Every now and then, you receive job recommendations for skills you don't currently use. A resume just doesn't carry that level of detail. Twittume does. Twittume will likely be your Resume's skills/accomplishments/accolades section. We will make it easier for the employers to search better and dig into candidates professional experience before they can proceed to the next level in recruiting process. One can write better and efficient job matching algorithms on Twittume, than on Resume. For more details, please ready my LinkedIn article Next set of Features: Audio to text and auto-tagging (to reduce the friction) Video bio Stackoverflow/GitHub/ProductHunt etc integrations Stories (for accomplishments, where you can show your work) Looking forward to hearing your feedback on what Twittume is today and where it is going. Credits: Thanks to @dharmesh for Website Grader. I used it to test my website performance and mobile rendering. It helped me a lot and I also learned few things I didn't know before. The other tool worth mentioning is pingdom tool.
Ela Mazurkiewicz
Great idea!
@elamazurkiewicz Thank you. I hope you will like it. Let me know if you have any suggestions or feature requests.
Ravi Srinivasan
Congratulations and good luck Sri.
@ravsydney Thank you Ravi.
Hugo Villain
Waoh, I've been working on something extremely similar these last days, with autocomplete and auto-tagging. Can't believe it! We should definitely talk ;)
@thook Cool. Lets get connected on twitter.
Thank you to all those who are supporting us and also registering with Twittume service. I am here all day for any questions. Please feel free to tweet or ask a question here.