Kevin William David

Twin Prime - Makes your mobile apps faster, everywhere.


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Kevin William David
Performance in mobile apps is a function of several factors – the wireless network, the app itself, the operating system, the device & many others. The key to this problem is to discover the parameters that truly matter and then using this knowledge to adapt data delivery strategies on the fly as a user comes online. To discover the parameters that matter, Twin Prime continually measures and analyzes data for each mobile operating context of significance. Then to impact data delivery, the company picks the right way to deliver the best performance. The more Twin Prime is used, the better it is informed and the better performance gets. Twin Prime automatically customizes optimization strategies to the apps, every time your users opens the app to deliver content faster at any location, device and network. Twin Prime does not host or modify your content. Its complementary to CDNs and significantly increase delivery speeds without caching, compression or resizing images/videos.
Ryan Hoover
I have a friend that built similar technology (they're trying to stay quiet at the moment). I'm curious to know how these compare and realistically how much faster it can deliver content to an app.
rohit sharma
@rrhoover 'lots' faster... And that's on top of whichever flavor of CDN apps may already be using. clever use of protocol and AI/data
Satish Raghunath
Kevin, thanks much for sharing with the hunters! I would also like to point to more info in our Product Brief and some of the results we talked about on
Satish Raghunath
@cpuricelli Apologize for the inconvenience. Looking at it.
Satish Raghunath
@cpuricelli Could you please retry and DM me on Twitter if you face issues?
Martin Shen
Sounds very similar to PacketZoom... aka using a new protocol designed for mobile connections and larger data loss. What do you guys think?
Satish Raghunath
@martinshen thanks for your interest. Invite you to take a look at the tech details in our Product Brief. We are not looking at building a new protocol - the crux of our approach is about picking the right strategies depending on the mobile context.