Overall experience is bad. Profile pics are distorted, data loads for two minutes after each confirmation (I get it that I have 12k/930 in numbers, but still notification about load times would be essential), app crashes. Not sure if that's the level for a paid app.
@vladzima Sorry you feel that way! This is the initial version, so we're gathering all the feedback we can. Your comment has been really useful, and we're eager to get busy on improving Twidy!
@weheartscott This is the initial version you're selling for money, with crashes rendering app useless. Nice! Scott, let's be real, even an initial version requires device testing, if you offer a paid product.
@weheartscott I get it when you silently roll out and perform small audience testing to fix unexpected problems. But submitting a buggy product on PH is somewhat doubtful decision. It's also sad because I like the concept much and it proved to bring value, before starting to crash. So waiting for an update I guess.
@vladzima Hi Vlad. We're gathering feedback and looking to improve the app as fast as we can. In the meantime, if you're unhappy with the app, you can request a refund from Apple (I believe they accept refund requests within 14 days of the invoice date).
I really think that charging for this is premature. I realise it's not a lot of money but when you're competing with similar free apps out there then you have to work very hard to prove your value. And if there are bugs as @vladzima suggests below (which is the reason I won't be trying it just now), then all the less reason to charge up front.
I think it would have made a lot more sense to have a freemium business model instead - app is free but some features are paid via in-app purchase.
@marccrouch Marc, you might try if that works for you, might be just a bug with me, but it's still a matter of chance, which in turn really doesn't make much sense since the app is paid... I must say that not a single other app I use crashes on my device though.
Everything worked great until I got to "confirm your unfollows". Stuck on this screen and can't click on anything. Killed the app and launched again and did it all over - same result :(
Simple, familiar swipe interface for clearing out the rubbish from your twitter timeline. Keep it lean!
From the website:
"We all love Twitter, but sometimes it can seem cluttered and over-crowded. Your timeline can quickly become full of promotional material, spam and irrelevant content. Twidy is here to help you fix that.
Using an intuitive swipe-based interface, Twidy allows you to easily sort through your followed accounts on Twitter and unfollow the ones that just don’t cut it anymore. Queue up a list of accounts that you no longer wish to follow, and unfollow the whole batch with one tap. Fun, fast, simple."
Twidy App
Twidy App
Twidy App
Twidy App