
Tutorial: Ecommerce w/ Nextjs and Strapi - Ecommerce with Authentication, Orders and Payment Processing

Learn how to build a FullStack E-Commerce with NextJs for Frontend and Strapi as Backend.
Use Magic for authentication and Stripe for payment processing.
✨ This video is sponsored by Magic who also sponsored the development of the strapi-plugin-magic plugin.

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Massive thank you to Magic for sponsoring this video! In this 2 and a half hours you'll learn: ✔️Learn the fundamentals of NextJS ✔️ Use Head for SEO Optimization ✔️ Use Static Site generation for Blazing Speed ✔️Use Strapi to securely store customer orders ✔️ Use Magic to securely authenticate users ✔️Connect Magic with Strapi for easy user management, order storage and processing ✔️Use Stripe to process orders in compliance with Strong Customer Identification. Check the demo at: Or learn to code this on youtube: