Robleh Jama

TunnelBear for Mac & Windows - Keep your browsing secure with the handsome new TunnelBear


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Robleh Jama
Big fan of the TunnelBear team and product (we work out of their old office here in Toronto). It's my VPN of choice. Congrats on the launch @ryandochuk and team! Looking forward to trying the new MacOS app.
Ryan Dochuk
@robjama Thanks Robleh for hunting our new app! When TunnelBear got started five years ago, we really wanted to build a privacy app that was so simple and fun that anyone could use it. With this, our second major redesign we think we're closer than ever. A few of my favorite things about this design (besides the bears) is the detail we able to go into building unique app that felt respectful of the differences for how people use Windows and macOS. On macOS, for the minimalist, we also have a "mini-mode" where you can hide the visualization and get straight down to business. One last thing, if you miss the warm wood, don't be disappointed, with the app open type "wood" and you'll have a nice little surprise. ;) Thanks!
Andy McIlwain
@robjama @ryandochuk Fellow Torontonian + TunnelBear fan checking in. Loved the little "clunk" sound the app made when activated.
Vlad Arbatov
I apologize in advance, but @ryandochuk could you please in plain words explain your privacy standards concerning logs, keeping user information, that stuff in particular.
@vladzima They have a great Privacy Policy that's written to be informative and understandable which answers this question well, I think, with justifications for what they do keep:
Vlad Arbatov
@chrisdolle Thanks Chris. I got used to commonly unreadable policies so haven't even looked there. This one is actually good.
Patrick Thompson
@vladzima is a good resource. Just search for TunnelBear.
I'm a big fan of Tunnel Bear. It's a dead simple VPN with good speeds at a great price -- and unlike certain others, they don't log users' activity. PLUS THOSE BEAR PUNS! In addition to the face-lift, which is what everyone will immediately notice in this update, the new app features a trusted networks feature that's just great: you can set TunnelBear to activate automatically on any network that isn't your home (or whatever Trusted Networks you specify) so you never have to worry about remembering to activate it the next time you're out -- now I'm hoping they figure out a way to bring this to iOS! Great service, great update.
Derek Nuzum
Been a TunnelBear user since its early days. Really happy to see the update!
Steven Q Tran
How does tunnel bear compare to private internet access?
Ethan Thomas
@stevenqt PIA is way better because they don't block ports for torrents :)
If I'm going to use a VPN, it might as well be one this adorable. @ryandochuk @robjama
I really like the love given to the whole VPN user experience. One quick comment: I often judge VPN providers by looking at how clever they are with security and privacy stuff. To do so, I go check their blog. Last blog post was written in August 2015. Kill it or keep it alive, never let an injured bear out in the woods :)
William Zhou
Damn, that is a handsome bear. Awesome VPN too. I use and recommend it
Jason Shultz
So, I tried to get to the site but it's not working in Chrome or Firefox. Getting errors about the SSL. EDIT: now it works, all good! :)
Dom Jocubeit
Really slick macOS app - love it!
Vlad Arbatov
1 of 3 connection attempts are successful. Interesting, cause there was no such problem with previous version on Sierra.
Ryan Dochuk
@vladzima Hey Vladislav - If you aren't having any issues, we'd love to investigate Engineering Bears are standing by.
James Zhang
This is definitely the best VPN. I used it to watch the BBC's coverage of the Olympics. It works wonderfully!
Greg Gilbert
Big big fan of TunnelBear here too! The team rocks and the service always works great.
Robert Nachum
Love this product
Eyal Gantz
Loved the new design! way to go.
Jesús Carrera
This is what I was waiting to find for years! Finally a VPN that includes UK proxy in the free tier and is fast. Thanks!
Marc Snyder
@ryandochuk I was wondering what "500MB of free data every month" represents? Can you illustrate as in "X number of movies" for example?
Ryan Dochuk
@marcsnyder 500MB is probably a few hours of casual web browsing, but only about an hour of 360p video on Youtube. The good news is we also have a twitter promo where you can get another 1GB of data for free.
sanket tom
Tunnel bear has limited bandwidth so i am using ipvanish vpn on my firestick for streaming. If you are planning to use VPN only for streaming then I suggest you to buy ROKU. This blog ( will help you to setup roku for your smart tv.
You should add Romania as an endpoint, too. I would love to connect back home when I am travelling in Western Europe, as we don't block websites or protocols around here. It's called net neutrality or something. *joke*
Sergio Flores
Any linux version soon?