Igor Nefedov

Trudo - Smart App Tracking + Calendar

Trudo allows you to do everything you can in Google Calendar, but it does a lot more. Besides your schedule, you can open the timeline/history panel where you can see the apps you've used. Our app tracking allows you to see in details of what did you that day.

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Igor Nefedov
Hey @hrishikesh1990, what do you think of this product? I know it doesn't match remote.tools, but I'd still love to hear your thoughts
Hrishikesh Pardeshi
@igor_nefedov Thanks for the mention :) Trudo.ai sounds amazing, I didn't get a chance to try it out myself though.
Igor Nefedov
I built this app because I've always wanted to know what I did during the day vs what I planned to do. This app aims to do that. I was planning to do more than just tracking apps: automatically tracking all your activities based on your location, phone app usage, phone motion sensor, wifi and other things. But that'll be for the next version when I have more free time. Would love to hear your ideas on this!