Shree Dhamija

Trigger Warning — Short stories by Neil Gaiman. Different and Captivating!


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@always_in_beta what is one of your favorite short stories from this book?
Shree Dhamija
@katesegrin I don't have the book on me so I don't remember the chapter names but the one's on Dr.Who and the last one - Black Hound were very good imo. The one with the different months as the theme was very experimental and I thoroughly enjoyed that too. The one about the sailor's mother got really dark really fast so that gave me a kind of a rush lol.
Shree Dhamija
@katesegrin What about you?
@always_in_beta @katesegrin I haven't read it yet (just discovered it today when you hunted it!), but when I do I'll come back and let ya know.