
RealNeedsAI - Build your startup on real needs, not guesses


Extract, Analysis, Summerize user needs from keyword they searched in Google, with AI help and accurate search volume trends data.RealNeedsAI is the fastest way to find and validate user's real needs from Google searches, build, ship, and make lots of $$$$$$.

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Hi, Hunters, I'm Ricky, the founder of GoTrends. Keyword research always make me suffering, that too many keywords and even people will searched very different keywords but with same needs. Watch every keyword and thinking the needs they represented make me dizzy. So I build TrendyAI to help. TrendyAI could exactly recognized user's need behind search keywords. You would never need to watch hundreds of keywords anymore, TrendyAI will do it and cluster keywords according to the user's needs. Besides, with the accurate search volume of keywords, you could understand what needs is the most popular of users. I generated lots of startup idea from it. And I think TrendyAI could also help you guys find PMF and profitable keywords of your business. ----Ricky with ❤️