A smarter expense app, powered by budgets.
Duke Chung

TravelBank Flights — Book flights and earn rewards!


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Duke Chung
Hi hunters! Today we are excited to introduce TravelBank Flights, our in-app flight booking experience with inventory from more than 200 different major airlines, to the PH community. We built TravelBank to help companies save money on travel and expenses, and make it easier for employees to track spend and get reimbursed. Now, users can easily search for and book the perfect flight for their business trip, all within the TravelBank app. Our flight experience was designed with the modern business traveler in mind, and uniquely provides features like the ability to duplicate a coworker’s flight itinerary, personalized recommendations, flights tagged by best chance of upgrade, among other features, and 24/7 support with a US-based team of travel agents. Best of all, users can earn even more rewards for booking through TravelBank. Feel free to ask me any questions, and make sure to check out the TravelBank booking experience with your work email to access our full inventory of flights and exclusive rates for business travelers!