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Trailer Nite — Find something to watch tonight.

Discover the hottest trailers and watch them back-to-back without interruption.

Follow your favorite new movies & shows to get notified as soon as they become available on your streaming services or in theaters.

Watch something tonight. Browse thousands of movies and shows by genre, rating, or streaming service and start watching instantly.

Hi, Matt and I built Trailer Nite. Why build an app dedicated to trailers? We love trailers. Trailers have been the best way to tease new movies for a century. And with YouTube and social media, they're now booming as the best way to discover new content online. Big name trailers are regularly among the top trending videos on YouTube with 10 million+ views. Teasing a new trailer has become an event itself—people wait days at conventions for a first peek at a new trailer. You have trailers not just for movies and shows but for games, books, and apps. Trailers clearly play a major role in how we discover new entertainment today. But trailers are broken. Today, when you see an exciting trailer online and decide it's something you want to see, you hit an immediate dead end. If you're extremely well-organized you might write it down to remember later, but most of us just forget about it hoping we randomly see the movie or show pop up months or years later. Trailer Nite is simple. It's a place to discover the latest movies and shows and watch trailers as soon as they're released in fullscreen, back-to-back without interruption. You can then follow your favorites by adding them to your List and get notified via email once that movie or show is available on specific streaming sites (select from Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, HBO Go, Theaters). The email even has a watch now button so that you can start watching instantly. Trailer Nite is available on the web at and as apps on the Google Play Store and iOS App Store (coming soon).
Cool product! I like the notification feature.