Tommy Jepsen

Startday - All the tools you need to start freelancing

As a freelancer it can be hard to get started and figure out how everything works. Startday tries to help both the new freelancer and the existing freelancer to have an easier everyday, by having all tools needed in one product to manage their freelancing.

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Calum Webb
Hey @tommy_jepsen! This looks promising! Do you have photos or a video of the different tools you may be able to share?
Tommy Jepsen
Hi @calum! Thanks. There are small screenshots of the different tools in the product images above, but I'll see if I can make a page on that shows it better and have larger images.
Debajit Sarkar
This is an inspirational idea. Very neat. Both the style and the substance of the website is great. A major challenge faced by freelancers is customer acquisition. I was wondering if it would be possible to add a tool under the "Platform" section that allows customers to identify leads in a particular market. Be that as it may, this is a website that should kindle an enthusiasm for freelancing in many individuals.
Tommy Jepsen
@dsarkar Thanks for the feedback! Yea, that would be a great addition to the platform. I imagine it being like a knowledge base or maybe a database on agencies, companies etc. that are using freelancers that they can either contact or find a way to see if the companies need any work done. I'll think more about it. Thanks again :)
James Summerby-Murray
Looks interesting! As others have mentioned, I would love to see some more images and a demo of the product in use.
Tommy Jepsen
@jamessm Cool. Thanks for the feedback. I'll start implementing that straight away :)
Basheera Kunnil
@tommy_jepsen, great job on building Startday 👍 Love the idea 👍💯 How many tools are available currently?
Tommy Jepsen
Hi @basheerak Currently time tracking, project and client management, invoicing, basic economics like VAT report and simple free contracts to download. :) Any other tools you think is needed in this?
Tommy Jepsen
Hi Product Hunt, As a freelancer myself I struggled in the beginning on how to get started with freelancing. There is so many standalone tools out there, to help you manage your freelancing, which in many cases have no synergy between them. Therefor I created my own tool a while back that includes the most used tools as a freelancer and have since improved on it greatly, and that is why I'm now launching it here on Product Hunt. Startday includes what I use as a freelancer the most; Time tracking, Project and Client management, Invoicing, Contracts and basic economics with VAT-reports and overall reports. Hope someone else can benefit from it, or give me feedback so I can improve and help other freelancers out there either getting started og have an easier everyday as a freelancer. Thanks, Tommy