TrackChanges - Share what you've changed
TrackChanges will compare what has changed since the page has loaded, then generate a set of developer friendly files.
TrackChanges will compare what has changed since the page has loaded, then generate a set of developer friendly files.
Just Delete Me Extension
Just Delete Me Extension
Just Delete Me Extension
Before TrackChanges, I made HTML and CSS changes to live pages with Inspect Element. Then took a screenshot of the changes, fired up Photoshop to add comments on the screenshot, copy/pasted the HTML (with inline styles), documented everything in our project management tool, and assigned it to our developer.
Now, I make those changes, take a snapshot with TrackChanges, and send them a tidy zip file. Everything they need to work quickly and thoroughly.
No more over-documenting. No more duplicate work. We get it right the first time, every time.
Nice work.
Pros:Awesome way for product owners to document changes and pass them to developers.
Insight Pipeline