See where you go with friends within an 8-hour time frame.
• Simply click start
• Invite friends to your Trace, and continue your nightly activities
• Once the 8 hours have passed, come back to view your Trace!
I was thinking this app can be useful in countries where is dangerous, for example i'm from Mexico City and is not the best place to be walking around late at night after some drinks, so if you go out with friends, its a good way to keep track of where is everyone and maje shure everyone got home safe next morning.
I would use this app for that purpose.
Great job and good luck to the team.
@santiago_rovalo this is amazing feedback! If you ever use the app let me know! I am solo tackling this project so literally any feedback is so helpful :)
This project was made to be simple. I use it when I go out drinking with friends, and it has helped me reTRACE my steps when figuring out what happened the night before :')
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