Kevin William David

Sales Torch - Manage prospects effectively.

Sales Torch is a suite of tools for modern day sales reps that want to stay personal. Torch automatically sorts all your outreach, so you have a clear list of who they need to follow-up with, and when.

With Torch, you can also find anyones email, track opens, and download the folder of your need follow-ups as a .Csv

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Rami M. Amin

It is a great addition to Gmail if you want a clean smart CRM workflow within your inbox.


- It is a great follow up advisor

- email finder / verifier

- Delivery reports (didn't try it)

- Minimal interference with Gmail interface


A redesign might make it look better with new Gmail

Stephen Hakami
Hey fellow hunters! We're excited to share this product we've been working on the last year! With Torch, our goal is to ensure that no sales rep ever misses a follow-up. We surface any prospect that you reached out to that you need to follow-up with. You can go back in time and scan for prospects from any time period in your email. Let me know if you have any questions!