365 Project Made Easy
Kevin William David
Tookapic Stock Photos — 85000+ Unique, authentic, crowdsourced stock photos

If you're looking for unique, authentic and sometimes imperfect stock photos - tookapic stock has all of that. Unique collection of photos from people running their 365 projects (one-photo-a-day journals). $39/mo or $99/y gives you unlimited access to more than 85.000 photos.

Daniel Kempe
Always good to have more places to find free stock photos! One thing I would suggest is to move the download button to another corner as my pinterest "pin it" button gets in the way!
Pawel Kadysz
First of all, thank you for featuring the site. We really appreciate it. If you have any questions about stock photos, or tookapic itself, I'll be more than happy to answer.
Daniel Li
I think the site has a great design, and the free images are of high quality too. I will add this to my 'Stock Photo sites' list!
Man that domain is a bit complex. Loving the site though. Add this to my Death to the Stock Photos arsenal and I am good to go!
Pawel Kadysz
@alanaut24 what's wrong with the domain? I've been hearing just the opposite.
Barth Picq
Hey, pretty cool! Where do the photos come from? How do you plan on getting more? Finally, how do you plan on making money (if not private/too early to tell)? Cheers
Pawel Kadysz
@barthpicq tookapic.com is a place for people to run ther 365 projects (one photo a day for a year) so we have a pretty good source of photos, updated daily. While publishing a photo users decide if it should be available for free or for sale, or shouldn't be available do get at all. As for monetizing, we get a comission of every photo sold.
Joe Filcik
@pawelkadysz cool. How do you curate the categories? Is it all done by your team?
Pawel Kadysz
@jfilcik Yes. It's all done manually by me.
Anuj Adhiya
Added to my Free Stock Photos collection: http://www.producthunt.com/@anuj...
Lenny Hu
this is great. I don't think I've seen these photos on any other stock site.
Pawel Kadysz
@lennshu yup, these photos come from 365 projects people are running on tookapic.com. Although Pexels and others started to repost them on their sites too. But for the most recent ones (updated daily) you should visit stock.tookapic.com directly ;)
Blaine Hatab
More stock photos!!!!!! Nom nom nom.
adam mashaal
Nice! Thanks for sharing.
Bah - duplicate response.
Alexander Redondo
Very good photo quality, well done!