Tookapic Stock Photos - 85000+ Unique, authentic, crowdsourced stock photos
If you're looking for unique, authentic and sometimes imperfect stock photos - tookapic stock has all of that. Unique collection of photos from people running their 365 projects (one-photo-a-day journals). $39/mo or $99/y gives you unlimited access to more than 85.000 photos.
The Ultimate Guide to 365 Projects - Is 365 Project for you? How to start one? +19 Tips.
365 project is a photography challenge. But it’s not about being the best photographer, or using the best gear. Rather, it’s about being consistent and documenting your life with one photo every day, for a year. You take photos every day and you save one of them in a separate place, folder, or online. The goal is to have 365 photos after a year.