Tokin finds the best .1% of videos on the internet.
Use your limited Tokins to post your all time favorite videos.
Or award them to the best videos you find on the platform
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Tokin is live and the best videos on the internet are emerging.
After working on it for over a year, it's awesome to see the positive reception.
People have said it has replaced their YouTube homepage.
Try it out by posting your all time favorite videos to the site :)
content curation is so important, there are people skilled at finding absolute gems and it's a missing part of youtube, great to see something like tokin trying to tackle this
@m_dolr totally agree and thanks for the kind words :)
I think human curation is going to make a big comeback. we are too reliant on algorithms to find content.
but they typically incentivize content people consume, not content people love.
Tokin is only for content people love
This is huge! I love it and think this solves the biggest problem with YouTube's UI: pushing addictive, reactive content instead of the high quality stuff.