Mario Fraiß-Kollmanitsch

ZEI° - Revolutionary time tracking device

Time is all we got, we should balance it correctly! ZEI° is a tiny time tracking device that will ease your life and get out your most productive side in no time! All you need to do is to choose your 8 activities, set the app and start flipping the ZEI° to its sides. Based on what you are doing, it will count your time per activity!

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Manuel Bruschi
Hey guys, I'm one of the founders behind ZEI°. We believe that hardware can finally make time tracking effortless and instant. But we don't want to create just one more time tracking solution as there are already many out there - therefore we integrate it into existing solutions like @toggl @harvest @timeneye @wunderlist @trello etc... I'm happy to answer your questions! Cheers, Manuel
Mario Fraiß-Kollmanitsch
Hi Manuel, you guys should definitely realize integration with @jira @tempo timetracking too ;)
Manuel Bruschi
@mfraiss @jira @tempo yes it's on our roadmap.
Jaswinder Brar
Hello, Very cool product! This has inspired the following ideas from me: Ideas: Use cases for this innovative technology include usage by.. Employment Administration: To develop work schedule & review billable hours corresponding to work detail & for interviewing purposes. Educators: To develop a class schedule for review & improvement! Students: To develop a personal studying schedule for review & improvement! Mechanics: To develop a work detail schedule & create billable hours reference for customers. Contractors: To develop a work detail schedule & create billable hours reference for customers. Event Organizers: To develop a event schedule & keep event progressing appropriately. Public Speakers: To monitor allotted speaking time per topic! Sports & Fitness Training: To gauge workout time statistics! Doctors: To time their appointments with patients for billing. More Ideas for Use Cases coming soon! I hope this was beneficial for you to read! Thanks, Jaswinder Brar.
Manuel Bruschi
@jay_bee12345 thank you Jaswinder very much, you're awesome!! There are some use cases that we didn't think about.
Jaswinder Brar
@ttrauser @rohit11 Hello again, Bonus Use Case Idea: Lawyers & Judges will have excellent UX with your great product! Thanks again, Jaswinder Brar
Manuel Bruschi
@jay_bee12345 @rohit11 I like the bonus - that goes along with ours :) thanks!
Dan Rosenshain
This looks cool. But I still has the same issue with every other time tracking service in the universe - you need to actively stop/start the tracking. The only real revolution in time tracking will be when your device (whether it's a computer or a laptop or a wearable) will know automatically when and what to track. Accurate Time Tracking AI. ATTAI?
Manuel Bruschi
@danr_4 We believe that would not only be revolutionary,but it would be the end :) the end of manual time tracking and everyone is happy. ATTAI = $$$. What we experienced so far during interviews is that people are afraid of automatic time tracking as then they would feel kind a pressure to be productive 100% of the time even if it's not possible...
『Justin Pierce』
Yep, I want it. Was thinking about using an Arduino to build something myself but this looks great.
Manuel Bruschi
@jtown_ thanks Justin! You still can go on building something with Arduino - maybe you come up with a better idea/solution? ;)
Rohit Srivastwa
May be next version can have a screen (e-ink) on all surface to show the time right there. And may be the lap timing as well.
Manuel Bruschi
@rohit11 Hey Rohit, thanks for the suggestions! e-ink is on our roadmap as well. What do you mean by lap timing?
Rohit Srivastwa
@ttrauser Task 1 - session 1 - 10:04 minutes. Same Task - session 2 (doing again after a gap) shows last time you spent 10:04, now counting.... and total at the end of day Hope you got that
Manuel Bruschi
@rohit11 got it! Thanks for explaining!
Mario Fraiß-Kollmanitsch
This great device innovates the way people can track their time in future! Looking forward to the launch!
Mahieddine Cherif
Great product !
Manuel Bruschi
@cherifmahiedine thank you Cherif!
Guy Malachi
Very cool concept. Good luck!
Manuel Bruschi
@guy thank you Guy 😉
Someone Named
This is a cool concept and could be very useful for gig economy workers!
Manuel Bruschi
@neilsandhu Hey Neil, thank you, really appreciate your comment!
Jozef Maxted
Any chance of a public api? We use our own bespoke time tracker but would love to use this!
Manuel Bruschi
@jozefmaxted hey Jozef, right now we don't have plans for that but soon or later we will add that as well. But what we offer from the first day is a CSV export. Maybe you can use that?
Yulian Ustiyanovych
Very cool idea! Does ZEI has feedback functionality (vibration, sound, whatever...), so I can set each project max/min time to work on? Already signed up ;)
Manuel Bruschi
@yulian_ustiyanovych thanks for the feedback Yulian! Well this would fall into the category of customized reminders. We don't have any plans for that right now, but as we want to add Pomodoro support as well, we need to add some kind of reminder functionality. Would you prefer a physical feedback functionality or would a notification/email on the mobile/computer be enough?
Jesse de Boer
Really cool product! Any plans for a Slack intergration so colleagues can see what you've been doing or to send you some daily/weekly statistics?
Manuel Bruschi
@jesse_de_boer hey jesse, thanks! Yep - definitely a way to go and we have plans for that. Just another bot for Slack :) what kind of statistics would you like to see?
Mark Donne
Such a smart idea! When I was a freelancer I could have used something like this, and the price is right.
Manuel Bruschi
@mark_donne thanks Mark - really appreciate that! Good luck with Burn
Manuel Bruschi
@mark_donne we'll try our best!
Vlad Korobov
http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.... I what to buy it for all people in my company (40)
Manuel Bruschi
@vladkorobov haha :) thanks man! Let's chat!
Elena Benito Ruiz
Can't wait to get this. #timemanagement #projectmanagement #procrastination
Really nice product. tempted to buy it, even though i don't have a real use case
Manuel Bruschi
@shalabh_ haha, that's a honor :) Thanks!
Jonathan Z. White
I love the concept and simplicity of the design. Does this give you reminders when you pass a certain time threshold? If so, I could see teams using this to run sprints and keep track of time spent on each tasks.
Manuel Bruschi
@jonathanzwhite thanks Jonathan! When you think about reminders do you mean vibration, sound, etc. or a notification on the phone/computer/email?
Logan Hale
@ttrauser take a look at iOS sign up pop up. Typed in email but went in invisible. Maybe me. But worth a look.
Manuel Bruschi
@loganhale thanks Logan, will have a look on that!
Ashwin Pillai
This kind of thing is exactly what I've been looking for. I love that this is the only thing that this product does. The pain point on the phone is that I have to open an app or switch to it when I want to switch tasks. Excited to see it once it launches.
Manuel Bruschi
@ashwn Thanks Ashwin, that's exactly what we experienced so far. There are many awesome mobile apps out there, well designed and with great UX, still opening the app and switching is sometimes a pain point. We're excited as well :)
Si Pham
This is really awesome guys. Any thoughts on a public API we can develop upon?
Manuel Bruschi
@phamtrisi Thanks Si! Right now we don't have plans for that but soon or later we will add that as well. But what we offer from the first day is a CSV export.